Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day 10

Wednesday, December 9th, 2008.

Had our first day in the restaurant yesterday. We haven't opened yet, just went in to meet the staff, get uniforms and do a bit of housekeeping. We're working with lots of peeps from South America and Indonesia. I think the dining room staff is maybe 12 or 14 people strong. Our boss, Lilly says most days there will be 5 to 6 of us servers working. A normal breakfast serves 500 people she says. I wonder if we'll be learning the computer today. I'm still a bit nervous, but like everyone says, if it sucks we can cut and run. Hopefully that won't happen. I think I can handle it. Lilly let us out at 1 so we could get a few runs in, which Victoria and I certainly did. We had to come back to the house first to grab gear, and ran into our builder, Roscoe and his wife, Deb back at the house. They were here to check up on things, something they do somewhat regularly. He's taken care of this place since he started building it, over 7 years ago. First time meeting Deb...nice as pie. She invited Vic and me to dinner in their hood should we ever swing out that way. I hope we get to take 'em up on it.

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