Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 1

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008.

Got in last night around 11pm. Local Taxi brought us down from the airport. Driver was a nice guy. Told us about an enemy of his who lives off the highway who hates it when drivers hit the rumble strip on the stretch of highway outside his place. We’ll be sure to hit that spot every time we go back and forth to Town.

Was snowing when we got here. Pretty much hasn’t stopped since, and that was about 24hrs ago. Got at least 5 inches in that time.

There were 3 real beers in the fridge: 2 Fat Tires & 1 Skinny Dip. We fell asleep drinking ‘em while watching “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane;” my current Netflix.

Victoria and I had some coffee and granola this morning – no milk, of course…I mean, there was milk in the fridge, but wasn’t worth taking the chance. There’s quite a bit of old food in the fridge, freezer, pantry and cupboards. Once I figure out when garbage day is, I’ll toss a load out. Of course I’ll have to check with Mom first to see if the chicken stock she made 5 years ago is to be saved. She’ll bite my head off if I take any liberties.

Figured out how to hook up iPod/Laptop to stereo in original TV room under original family room. Haven’t figured out how to get iPod/Laptop to play throughout house yet. I used a metal spatula and and a flashlight to see the connectors in the back of the Lexicon. Craig, my stepdad, who's corporate success made this awesome house a reality, will not be pleased with my fiddling.

While the music played, Victoria unpacked her suitcases and loaded her clothes into the drawers and closets of what’s come to be known as the “Fish Bedroom.” It’s the bedroom directly under the kitchen – sought after for it’s private bathroom, large closets, full size window and walk out glass doors. We said to the folks while in Vegas we’d be happy to shift rooms should visits from friends and family require it, but Craig said, we wouldn’t have to because we’ve got, “squtter’s rights.” Maybe that’s what I’ll name the blog???

We headed up to the Mountain Mall to do our employee paperwork a little after 12pm. Got lunch ($22 for sandwich and a half & cup of soup). Signed lots of tax forms, agreements, direct deposit form, and wrote a couple checks; 1 for discounted memberships to the Local Cross Country Ski Trails Network, and 1 for a series of fitness classes held somewhere in the base area – yoga, pilates, some other shit that will hopefully keep me from destroying my muscles, ligaments, and tendons while throwing inverted aerials all over the mountain this winter. 1st class is tomorrow…Victoria just told me we’ll miss it cuz we’ll be in town getting supplies. Fair enough…I guess classes pick up after the 11th.

I can’t believe I have a SEASON PASS!!! At this moment, the MoFo is in my pocket. My picture’s on it, and I’m gonna use it tomorrow! Gotta make sure it’s legit. Gotta find my gear…I’m sure all my crap’s in the garage. Oh, heated garage, how you preserve our gear, snowmobiles, ATV, lawn mower, and giant car – I mean, truck. Seriously, the SUV is huge – I guess that’s kind’ve an obvious thing to say. Well, the truck we’ll be driving all winter is an absolute behemoth. I hope we don’t get spoiled – who am I kidding??? After this winter, we’ll be forever spoiled. God bless it!

We met nice peeps up there today. The Human Resources Director is super friendly – we gave her our whole story. We also met the Assistant HR Gal; also very friendly, and reminded me of Victoria's sister in law. She walked us around a little bit to make sure we got signed up for the fitness classes A.O.K. Some other girls from accouting and concierge also helped point us in the right direction. We met the guy who manages the bar where Craig likes to play live poker when he's up here, and a couple of the gals who will be waitressing there this season. Victoria and I are hoping to develop our poker skills at the live game, but don't know if we're allowed to as employees.

Went grocery shopping at a local joint within the resort after getting squared away with all our sign-ups. Got enough stuff for dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow: eggs, chicken breast, sunflower seed oil, 6 of Deschutes Organic Beer, tomato, broccoli, green pepper, bread, milk and coffee: $52. On our way out, our Taxi Driver came in – happy to see us, smelling like booze. Said he noticed I left open a garage door as he pulled away last night. I lied and said I caught it and shut it before bed (closed it this morning). “Good,” he said, “cuz bears won’t even hesitate to head in there to stay warm.” When Victoria and I pulled into the garage moments later, I was just a tad vigilant. No bears though.

Victoria and I were a bit restless after unloading the groceries – we wanted to get a workout in as it’s been weeks since either of us have, but couldn’t find any workout videos we’d assumed would be in no short supply. “Did I put the TaeBo video in the box we shipped?” I asked. “Think so.” She said. We’ll find out Thursday when our shipped items are to arrive. In the Memorial Gym, here at the house, I found a DVD that accompanies the mega-BowFlex down there. Hopefully I’ll get some use out of it and the exercise cycle thingy. I say “thingy” because it’s one of those that sits longways on the floor instead of upright, like a regular bike. I used the bowflex for 5 minutes, then came upstairs to see how dinner was coming along and to check Facebook.

Victoria had Ritz Cracker breaded chicken, redsauce w/ peppers, and steamed broccoli in the works. Smelled awesome, of course. Before dinner was ready, I IMed on Facebook for a little with a friend from high school/college – first “direct” contact we’ve had in god knows how long. Her big news: she’s engaged. How ‘bout it. Guy seems cool…he proposed to her this past weekend while they were on a climbing/camp trip. I told her that’s just how I would’ve pictured her engagement. I think it’s great and hope she and him can come see us this winter.

Dinner was f-ing great. Vic rules the kitchen. There was a bottle of Bogle Syrah in the underused cellar and I just finished it’s last drops. Thinking about grabbing one of those Deschutes. I’ll wait. We got all winter. Gonna try to get in more “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.” It’s black and white and not crazy cut so, it’ll be a battle, as I’m starting to fade and Vicki has already headed down.

Tomorrow holds a possible morning trip to the slopes for me – Victoria is still gearless, but we’ll have to get to town in time to get groceries and maybe her gear, and possibly drop the snowmobiles at the dealership for a tune-up (depending on if I get the green light to trailer them up from Craig), all before dinner with college friends by 6. Gonna meet this new baby girl of theirs. Oooh, and I gotta take them the flies I got for ‘em forever ago. SHIT! They’re in the box with TaeBo – maybe.

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